October Roundup 2024

November 1, 2024

Octobers over!
By far my most productive month release-wise and by far my least productive month making-stuff-i-didnt-release-wise

Modular Game
I only made 1 prototype this month! It’s a modular wires math game.

Critter Switcher
I colabed with the amazing Torcado and the equally amazing keestak for ludum dare! We made a little brough-like where you play as various animals. I only did art for this. You can play it here!

Mouse Snake
Made this for my annual halloween game jam! Where I make whatever I want after I finish handing out candy. I’m pretty proud of this one - I’m glad I made 5 modes in such a short time. You can play it here!

2 Week Megamix
This is my big project!!!! I made 1 game every day for 2 weeks. I probably have a blog post coming eventually about how that went. The TLDR was it was super fun and I learned a lot about how I make stuff! For now heres some gifs and a link to go play it

That is all :) Next month i’m gonna relax and make less…

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