Everything I Made In 2023

December 31, 2023

2023 is over! I made a lot of stuff and compiled it all here. A LOT of this is 1-2 day prototypes that never turned into anything. Get ready to see the same blue checkerboard and purple walls a lot hehe.

Everything is ordered roughly by when they were made.

P.S. I also made a list reviewing every game I’ve played this year. You can read it here.


Fish Game
Made this when I was learning how to write shaders. Was never really intended to go anywhere, but its still cool.


Shell Physics Test
A little custom physics test with shells. I like how they pile up! I plan to use this in a project in the future.

Explosion VFX
VFX Animation practice! Wanted to make an explosion effect that i could use in other games. You’ll see it in a few other projects… including Solarkid where its really hard to find because i balanced the game poorly.


gOnner Idea With Frogrammer
Made for a game jam with Frogrammer but we ended up not finishing it. Frog continued the project a little more. You can see that here!

Godot PSX Shader
Made this when I wanted to try learning Godot. That is a whole other story (I don’t really like godot) Making this shader was a nice challenge.

Wall Stabbing Platformer
I wish I could do something more with this because i love the style and the mechanics, but the controls are just too klunky to be fun :(

Top Down Horror Game Take 1
An iteration of a horror game i’ve wanted to make for a long time. I’m a sucker for top down games with raycasting.


Explosion Barrels
This was an idea I had deep into my spelunky obsession. I wanted to make a roguelike similar to it… that didn’t go far.

Catbeats 2
This one released! Its a silly music app I made for my friends to use. Its a sequel to a program I made last year called catbeats 1. Im pretty proud of this one.

Check it out!

Addrop also released! I’m so proud of this game. I still cant believe that I only made it in 3 hours. Like how on earth did I polish it this much.

Play it here

RTS Game
Started this when a friend challenged me to make a good RTS game. Turns out that I am bad at making good RTS games! I like the animation on the troops and trees.


Not much to say about this! I made it in an hour as a love letter thing to the game ZK. Its just okay. Thats a lie… I hate it

Play it here

Parcel Punisher
This game won me first place for fun in ludum dare!!! I am in love with this visual style and gameplay of this game. Honestly its the perfect game for me. I love hotline miami and this is just everything i love about that game + a bit more.

Play it here

Juicy VFX
A little particle test thats been lost to time… I accidentally deleted the project files :p

Silly Platformer Sketch
Just a platformer idea i made before bed. Never intended it to go anywhere, but the movement is really fun. Maybe it’ll be something one day…


Midnight Hotswap Turbo
This is my favorite game i’ve released this year. One of my only games that I actually play and enjoy. Something about it is just so fun :-) If you’re only going to play 1 thing ive ever made, play this.

Play it here

Game With Plant
A small game i was making with 🌱🌿🌲aka Jakeyouh. It never went anywhere :(

Computer Desktop
Made this as a clone of Adam Pype’s computer desktop game. Mostly to challenge myself! I’m really proud of it.


Midnight Hotswap Turbo
This game is just lovely. The vibes are great and so is the music (thanks james!) lowresjam was one of the first jams ive finished that isnt 2-3 days. It was waaaay too long. I took a camping trip to Yosemite during the jam and still finished.

Play it here

Drill Sketch
Another evening prototype I made for maybe the brakeys jam, but didnt finish it because i didnt want to! .


Random Golf
Made this as warmup for ludum dare! Randomly generated golf. Its not very good tho.

Car Building Game
I worked on this for a bit but it became super complicated and bloated. Ill probably finish it someday… someday…….

Ludum Dare First Idea
This was my original prototype for Ludum Dare. the theme was “Limited Space” and the idea was that you would combine elements to make humans and a civilization in “Limited Space” It was NOT fun!!!

Solarkid Sacrifice
This game is weird… A lot of people liked it, but personally i dont. I did a bad job at balancing it so you end up never seeing the fun weapons. Did you know that there is a bomb plant? Yeah! You never see it.

Play it here


Crow Hill
Released this one on halloween. Not much to say about it! Cool game.

Play it here


Softbody Suika
I was originally going to release this for money, but for a lot of reasons, I decided not to. I also lost interest with it because the genre felt like a very fleeting trend. Overall i’m glad I didnt finish this one.

Ray Reflection
This was just me learning how laser reflection works.

Remix Jam
Made for Frogrammer’s Remix Jam with Keboppel. I wasn’t able to finish it because of life stuff.

Top Down Horror Take 2
Another iteration of the horror game from earlier. I’m still actively working on it… Maybe youll see something from it soon……… or not!

Paradise Blitz V
Originally this started out as a project for paradise blitz, but it became pretty big. I really like this idea, but I dont really have time to finish it up right now :(


Ship Game
Made for the Paradise Secret Santa. It was NOT fun!!! Glad i pivoted the idea haha.

Puzzlebox Platformer
Made for the confounding calendar. My first real attempt at making a sokabon puzzle. Super challenging to make, but really rewarding to finish. Puzzle is not spoiled in the gif!

Play it here

Wyrm Climb
Made for WAPORWAVE!!! Merry Christmas! Making this was really really fun! Also learned a lot about my creative process in this one.

Play it here

Thats it! We made it through 2023. Heres to making lots more games! and heres to maybe even finishing some of them. Thank you for reading. Your support is the coolest. Happy new year!!!

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