A small guide to the various pages of this website.

# Home The landing page! Has some general info.
# Navigation You are here. Tells you about everywhere else.
# Games Links to my itch page where you can play all of my games.
# Contact Home of my social medias, and other forms of contact.

# Roundups Monthly digests of what I’ve made.
# Happenings The best way to keep track of what I’m doing! It also has an RSS feed.s

# Pixels All of my pixelart. Mostly mockups for game I’ll never make.
# Photography My photos! Most of it is abandoned buildings and nature. Thats what I like
# Physical Art A collection of my physical art. Most of it was made in high school.
# Piano Youtube videos of me playing piano.

# Web Toys Small web toy’s or experiments I’ve made. Not very many right now.
# Game Reviews List Reviews of games by year. I try to review everything I play.