September Roundup 2024

October 6, 2024

Oops is october 6th sorry im late. I started a pretty big project right when the month started.

Video games! Still not much because of college.

Car prototype
Made for a personal 1 hour jam
Its not very fun so I didn’t really expand on it at all

Code editor
I made a code editor from scratch half for fun half for a game. Turns out it’s really hard to make a text editor! Theres so much you dont think about.

Undertale Battle System
Spent an evening prototyping a battle system for a little undertale fan game I was going to make with friends. Unfortunately it fell through. I might recycle this for something original tho.

1 Hour Swing Game
Did this for a 1 hour jam with some of my friends.
The theme was ‘swing’ so you swing between blocks.

Drillship TURBO
This was originally a 1 hour prototype that I expanded into a full game.
I’m so proud of this one its so fun.

Its out! And you can play it here

Thats all for this (last) month! See you at the end of October!

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